Thursday 27 December 2012

awak buat saya cair :)

salam semua :) geli pulak bila tengok kat tajuk tu kan,hihi..alaaa saja je pun tulis pasal bnda ni ,bukan salah pun , umor pun dah 20  akak oi , korang pun takyah tipu aa ,mmg kat hati tu dah list pun kan lelaki2 y bakal buad hati awak2 ni cair , euuww , ha3,makin lagi hujung2 tahun ni dok melayan kenduri kawen jak keja, bahagia sgt hidup dorang kan ,jelesnya dalam otak mesti asyik terfikir pasal lelaki idaman , pastu terus masuk mood berangan dan mood perasaan ! *terus teringat kat someone* Bukan ape, semenjak dua menjak ni , sy baru perasan , sya suka tgk lelaki *dari physically *ade gigi sulai a.k.a gigi bertindih , aww...cute sesangat,macam dye ni.. comel jep ^_^ !

satu lg , rata-rata llki y sy pernah admire *mcm ramai jep padahal baru 2 orang..ha3*mesti badan dy tinggi,kurus,then kulit dy sawo matang . Ya Allah..memag test aku mcmni ke?terima je lah hakikat akak tirah oi..ha3 , paling gilerr boleh2 sy tertarik tgok part mulut+hidung dye yang kecik comel jepp , eh2..bnde macam tu pon ambik kira kah?tak semestinya perlu kaya, hensem, ade kete, ade rumah, ade kije tetap dan lain-lain , asalkan bila sy tengok muka dy manis je..dan ada satu perkara yang betol-betol buat sy melt dan rasa sangat bahagia. Walaupun maybe pada orang lain perkara itu kecil tapi besar sebenarnya pada kite.i don't need a good face pun sebab sy pun bukanla cun melecun , sebab good face pun bukan menjanjikan kebahagiaan , asal muka tu cam sedapppp je dipandang , pastu kalau senyum terus cair macam aiskrim , nyum ! hahah .

ok ! tu baru fizikal dorang,y lain pulak , of course aa nak yang baik -baik , yang terima sy seadanya ,boleh mmbimbing kita,solat 5 waktu,giler2 [satu kepala aa ngan sy] tp harus matang,caring,hormat org tua,bertolak-ansur,bukan dari golongan PENIPU ha3,x mengongkong,simple,cool,sempoi [ini penting],lucu !

Susahkan nak cari mcm apa y kita nak.Kalau ada pun belum tentu lg dia suka kt kita,dan mesti ada satu kekurangan dy,ha3..Actually sy x kesah pun, asal lelaki tu  buad kita bahagia,pun ok dah :)

Monday 24 December 2012

Tips Muet Speaking ^^

Task B 
· I agree with you. (NOT: I’m agree.)
· That’s a great idea!
· I see your point!
· That’s an interesting perspective.
· I like your suggestion.
· Indeed!
· I concur with your point of view.
· I’m sorry but I disagree.(NOT: I’m not agree)
· I’m afraid I have to disagree with your idea.
· I don’t see eye to eye with you.
· That’s not a good idea/suggestion.
· I beg to differ
· Excuse me, may I interrupt please.
· I’d like to add something please.
· May I say something?
· Could you please hear me out.
· Pardon me but could I add something please.
· So what do you think, Candidate X?
· How about your point of view?
· Candidate X, would you like to give us your opinion?
· Does anyone agree with me?
· Why don’t we consider the other points?
· I don’t understand, can you please repeat?
· Any suggestions?
· In conclusion, ALL OF US agree that…
· To conclude, MOST OF US agree that…
· In a nutshell, SOME OF US agree that…while SOME OF US prefer…
· As time is running out, it seems that ALL OF US CAN’T AGREE on which option is the best because each point has many advantages and disadvantages.

Dear Atirah :)

Dear Myself, I love you more daily. I wish you could see yourself the way i see you and i wish you love myself the way i love you, and above all, wish your life is everything you deserve because in my opinion you deserve the world. I will stand by you forever, my heart will always belong to you :)